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Meditation For Beginners: How To Overcoming Distractions in Your Practice

September 15, 20233 min read

Have you ever felt like there are a thousand butterflies fluttering around your mind, making it hard to focus? You're not alone. That concept is often called the monkey mind because of its tendency to go from thoughts to thoughts restlessly. Many of us face the challenge of distractions when trying to find inner calm. I would even say that if you didn't have this kind of challenge, what would be the point of meditating? Nothing of value comes too effortlessly.

It's not about being a master at avoiding distractions but more of a way to gently ease your mind into slowing down and no longer engage with those distractions.

Let's explore some practical steps and examples to help you navigate through the sea of distractions:

Create a Sacred Space:

meditation space avoid distractions

Find a quiet corner, a cozy nook, or a special spot where you feel at ease. It could be a cushion by the window, a favorite chair, or a corner of your room with soft lighting. For example, imagine a cozy blanket fort in your room, where you can escape into your own world of calm.

Set Intentions:

set intentions in your meditation practice

Before you begin, take a moment to set an intention for your practice. It could be as simple as 'find peace' or 'let go'. This helps anchor your mind and gives your practice direction. For instance, imagine sending your intention like a message in a bottle, letting it sail out into the sea of your thoughts.

Befriend Your Breath:

breath in meditation practice pranayama

Your breath is a faithful companion on this journey. When distractions arise, gently bring your focus back to your breath. Feel it flow in and out, like the rhythm of ocean waves. Visualize each breath as a wave, washing away any thoughts that try to pull you away.

Acknowledge, Don't Resist:

overcome distractions during meditation

Distractions are like passing clouds in the sky of your mind. Instead of trying to push them away, acknowledge their presence. Smile at them, and then gently bring your attention back to your breath. Picture each distraction as a cloud passing by, and watch it float away.

Use Guided Meditations:

guided meditation practice overcome distractions

Guided meditations can be wonderful companions. They provide a soothing voice to follow, helping you stay anchored and guiding you through the practice. Imagine the guide as a friendly lighthouse, leading your ship safely through the stormy sea of distractions.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

overcome distraction meditation

Like any skill, finding stillness takes time. Be patient with yourself. Each time you bring your focus back, you're strengthening your 'inner calm' muscles. Think of it as training a puppy - with love and consistency, it learns to follow your lead.

You might also like to read:

Blossoming Serenity: Embracing Patience in Your Meditation Journey

Finding Your Inner Zen: A Beginner's Guide to Meditation

Remember, my dear friend, even the mightiest trees started as small seeds. Your journey towards stillness is a beautiful, unfolding process. The simple fact that you are reading this word means your looking for ways to improve and for that you can be proud of your efforts. Embrace your journey with love and gentleness.

Don't hesitate to check my meditations on Insight Timer or Aura to help you in your practice!

With peace and warmth,


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Amandine LRH

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