I left my busy urban life to embrace a healthier, greener more harmonious lifestyle.

Hello, I’m Amandine. With a deep-rooted passion for blending the uplifting power of music with the transformative potential of energy healing, I guide individuals towards achieving balance and well-being through the discipline of sound healing. From a very young age, the efficacy of energy healing in addressing ailments was an eye-opening discovery for me, one that steered me towards my life’s work.

After carving out a successful career in marketing and climate action, I felt a pull towards something more aligned with my early fascinations – the therapeutic properties of sound and its synergy with the healing arts. The pandemic served as a catalyst for change, giving me the space to finally connect my love for sound with my vocation in energy healing.

My offerings focus on the potent fusion of sound healing with meditation, breath work, mindfulness practices, and Reiki – a full spectrum of holistic health modalities. I believe in the profound effects of this combination to not only instill relaxation but to promote physical, mental, and emotional healing.

I offer classes to help my clients build inner strength and overcome life's obstacles. I help Eco-conscious individuals and entrepreneurs along their journey. When I am done,
I try to find a new DIY project to put my teeth in!

Sound Healing Courses

Dive into the world of sound healing through my meticulously designed courses. They offer both foundational knowledge and practical skills, suitable for anyone looking to explore this ancient practice. Available now, each course is structured to guide you step-by-step to self-mastery and healing through sound.

One-on-One Sound Healing Coaching

For personalized attention, my one-on-one sound healing coaching sessions are perfectly tailored to individual needs. We'll work together using sound therapy techniques to target specific wellness goals, fostering significant and personalized healing experiences.

Guided Meditations and Sound Baths

Experience the serene escape of my guided meditations and sound baths, designed to lead you through a journey of relaxation and inner peace. These sessions aim to help you rejuvenate and reconnect with a calmer, more centered version of yourself.

Let's Connect

Join me in exploring the full potential of your well-being through sound healing. Connect with the community, engage with the practices, and take the first step on a path of harmonious living today.

© 2023 by Amandine LRH. A Greener Life LLC, All Rights Reserved.