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Blossoming Serenity: Embracing Patience in Your Meditation Journey

September 01, 20233 min read

The Power of Patience

Dear Seekers of Inner Peace,

In the beautiful journey of meditation, it's natural to desire quick results. After all, we live in a very fast paste world where we want and expect every thing in a heart beat. So why would our expectations toward meditation be any different? Yet, some things require time and I think it is an essential lesson we have to re-learn and embrace. We all wish for instant calmness and serenity, but just like a flower blooming in its own time, true peace requires something called: "patience."

Have you ever taken a trip out in the woods, or somewhere isolated? I remember when going out of the city for a few days, to a beautiful place in Oregon called Breintenbush, with a couple of friends. It was such a relaxing experience. The trees were creating a powerful relaxing experience and the sporadic phone connexion helped us "unplug."

When we came back to the city, the noise and speed of everything felt like an agression on our inner peace. We all looked at each other wanting to turn around.

Most of us live in that noise daily. We don't even realize it. Yet, it's having a serious impact on our wellbeing and capacity of slow down and be patient with ourselves.

pin embracing patience in your meditation practice

Cultivating Inner Stillness

To truly unlock the benefits of meditation, we must learn or more accurately relearn to embrace the art of patience.

Here's a quick exercice: Take a few deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. As you do so, picture a serene lake, its waters undisturbed by ripples. That stillness within you is waiting to be discovered, but it requires a little bit of time and gentle practice.

Note that when I say little time, I am talking about taking a few minutes every day (a few times a day if possible), and after a few days you will get to find more ease.

Remember, just as a tree grows slowly but steadily, your inner growth will also unfold gracefully. Be kind to yourself, and allow your practice to develop at its own pace.

Make sure to try my meditations here on Insight Timer or on Aura. They take as little as a few minutes and up to 20 minutes for a longer journey inward.

Nurturing Your Inner Garden

Meditation, like tending to a garden, requires loving care and attention. Each session, each breath, is a drop of water nurturing the seeds of peace within you. With time, these seeds will sprout, and you will witness the beautiful transformation.

Release the need for instant gratification, if our modern world and social media have proven us anything is that instant gratification not only provides us with nothing of substance, it is also having a very negative impact on our brains and our capacity capacity to find peace and happiness within. So try something new! Bring delayed gratification into your life and let your practice be a sacred space where you connect with your true self. In this stillness, you will find the answers you seek.

Remember, dear beautiful soul, the journey is just as important as the destination (if not more important!). Trust in the process, and let the power of patience guide you towards the profound benefits that meditation offers.

With love and light,

Amandine LRH

You might also like to read: "Carving Out Time for Inner Stillness: Overcoming the Lack of Time Barrier in Meditation"

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Amandine LRH

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