Try These 5 Productive Things to Change Your Weekend Routine
Friday, we made this surprising yet simple decision, and it changed my entire weekend perspectives and priorities, and you should probably try it, too.
Wake up, swallow up a coffee, rush to work, work, come home, rest or party, go to bed, start over. The days often look the same, and it can get easy to postpone change. Especially good change. How many times have we said, “oh no, tonight I’m tired, tomorrow, yeah tomorrow is my day”.
In the age of immediate necessary shifts, our will has never been so close to procrastination. I will admit that I am no different from most people, and it is ok. There is no small step when we're doing the right thing. Taking a day off from our goals is also part of the process.
However, sometimes we let ourselves go, and that is when we need reminders; our heart needs to have a stronger voice to let us act as we truly want and make the efforts we desperately need to make. You can work on the following things to change your weekend routine and make your weekdays more productive.
5 Productive Activities to Change Your Weekend Routine
One of the tricks I found, the greatest reminder of all, is going on small adventure trips, going camping like we did this weekend.
1. Connecting Back with Nature
A simple, full-of-exhaustion Friday evening turned into a simple and fulfilling trip to the forest. As we were lying there with nothing to listen to but the peaceful sound of the river, thoughts came more easily. Looking at the stars, things flowed in me. The motivation for cutting with the deadly routine and the perspective were different, and they were reminders of why I wanted to switch to a greener life all around us.
Isn't it magic and enlightening to watch nature at work? Look at its organization, its life, its organization, and its chaos. If you were to come back to the same spot 10 years for now, there is a good chance you'd find the same trees and scenery. Nature doesn't generate endless amounts of waste, nor does nature pollute its own house. So, why are we?
Apart from exploring nature, here is how you can change your weekend routine and be more productive.
2. Spend More Time with People You Like or Enjoy
Studies have shown that being alone can be as harmful as smoking. Just like smoking, it can also shorten your lifespan. Weekdays are often busy, which leaves very little time for socializing with loved ones.
It's essential to prioritize spending time with those who matter most on weekends. They can be your spouse, children, parents, or closest friends.
Loneliness not only affects your mindset but also increases the risk of developing addictions. It's important to avoid spending the entire weekend alone, no matter what.
3. Go Outside
As I have mentioned above, camping in nature is a super healthy activity for the weekends. Being in nature is amazingly beneficial for both your mind and body. You may be surprised to know that in Japan, it's even recognized enough to be covered by health insurance.
So, if the weather is not horrible out there, try to spend some time outdoors. Even spending just 15 minutes in nature can improve your mood and how you feel about things. Besides, you don't need to go far; even if you are in a park with trees and plants around can also provide these benefits.
4. Get a Lot of Sleep
Now, this might sound out of the blue for many, but good sleep is NECESSARY for your brain health. Experts recommend getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night, even if you think you don’t need that much.
If you don’t get enough sleep consistently, it can impact your leadership abilities, mood, and cognitive function. If you've missed out on sleep during the week, it's important to catch up during the weekends. Even taking naps can also provide significant benefits for your brain, and weekends can be the time to do that.
5. Plan Your Food for The Week Ahead
Right, this one is another out-of-the-box idea and may sound weird, but hear me out. Planning meals over the weekend can be helpful for your week, especially if it's something you enjoy.
It's important to think ahead about your meals to support your mental health throughout the week. Some foods, like carbs, can affect brain function negatively, which makes it hard to stay focused and productive in the afternoons. With proper planning, you won’t have to rely on less healthy options like pastries or sandwiches.
Therefore, to maintain good energy levels, keep nutritious foods like nuts, fruits, and proteins available. Whatever method you choose, just make sure you have nutritious food readily available.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to start a new routine?
You can start by deciding what you want to add to or remove from your current routine. Then, break your bigger objectives or goals into smaller ones so that they are easily achievable. Apart from that, make a sound plan, be consistent, do it like fun, regularly track your performance, and don't forget to reward yourself for your little victories.
How do people's routines differ on weekdays and weekends?
Our weekdays are generally busy because of schedules and deadlines, while weekends are a time for relaxation, enjoying your hobbies, and doing some personal tasks. How you manage this balance between structured weekdays and more flexible weekends can show how well you handle change, stress, and your leisure time.
Summing it up
If you find yourself locked in your same old routine, I urge you to leave your house. Don't think twice; get outside, enjoy time with your loved ones, or just get your camping gear, hop in your car or train, get a room on Airbnb, anything but leave, and head toward a different and wilder landscape. Let nature show you the way; let it inspire you, and offer your heart a new compass. Write down your thoughts, your feelings, your wishes, and meditate. I have been using this method for a while, and it works amazingly! And share with us what you got out of your trip. Where you went, what you connected with that space, what you got out of it.